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2019 Palisade Peach Updates
Fort Collins, CO

Palisade Peach Jam & Preserves Coming Soon - Limited Supply This Year

November 16, 2019

With the weather is turning cold next week in Fort Collins, we'll be in the kitchen cooking up fresh batches of delicious Palisade Peach jam and preserves. Watch for the first batches of the season to be available early-December! There will be a limited supply pf preserves & jam available this year. If you're local to Fort Collins, you can guaranteed to get yours by placing an advanced for local pickup in Fort Collins here: Reserve Your 2019 Palisade Peach Jam & Preserves

Fall Produce Stand Now Open in Fort Collins

October 05, 2019

It's definitely fall in Fort Collins, and the 2019 Fall Produce Stand at 1001 S Lemay Ave is now open! Featuring: Organic Colorado West Slope apples, pears & plums, Colorado-grown pumpkins, Organic San Luis Valley potatoes, Colorado-grown Brussels stalks and winter squash, Fort Collins grown carrots, winter squash & onions, and so much more... Open daily (weather permitting) from 11am-7pm through the last weekend of October. See you there!

The 2019 Palisade Peach Season Comes to an End in Fort Collins

September 20, 2019

The 2019 Palisade peach season has come to an end in Fort Collins. We're sold-out of peaches at all locations. Fresh Palisade peaches will return to Fort Collins mid-July, 2020. Thanks for another great season Fort Collins, see you in the fall!

Palisade Peach Season Winding Down in Fort Collins

September 05, 2019

Palisade peach season is winding down in Fort Collins. The last batch of Palisade peaches from Bluebird Organic Fruit Co. arrived in Fort Collins today. The season is expected to last another 5-7 days, depending on how fast they sell out. The current variety is Cresthaven. They are large, sweet & very freestone. Great for eating fresh & canning alike. Premium first, and second quality Palisade peaches will be available at all Fort Collins peach stand locations until they sellout.

Colorado Produce Season in Full Swing in Fort Collins

August 28, 2019

It's the most wonderful time of the year! Colorado fruit & veggie harvest is at its peak. Here's what's available this week at our main location 1001 S Lemay Ave in Fort Collins, CO...

  • Premium Palisade Peaches & Palisade Peach Seconds from Bluebird Organic Fruit Co. in Palisade, CO

  • Fresh Olathe Sweet Corn from Tuxedo Corn Company in Olathe, CO

  • Rocky Ford Cantaloupe from Hirakata Farms in Rocky Ford, CO

  • Assorted Colorado Plums from Kokopelli Farm Market in Palisade, CO (a rare treat!)

  • Bartlett pears from Palisade, CO

  • Fresh Slicing Cucumbers (Front Range-local)

  • Fort Collins-local Raspberries (only on rare occasion!)

  • Field-ripened tomatoes from Grand Junction, CO

  • Colorado Apple season is just around the corner...

Third Palisade Peach Stand Location Opens in Fort Collins

August 23, 2019

We're excited to announce a third Palisade peach stand location in Fort Collins! The peach stand is located at Everyday Convenience Store, 949 S Taft Hill Rd, corner of Taft Hill Rd & W Elizabeth St. The stand is operated by our friend Mike Wilson & his family. Mike owns & operates The Forge at NoCo. 10% of proceeds from this location will be donated to the Alzheimer Association's Walk to End Alzheimer 2019.

Second Palisade Peach Stand Location Now Open in Fort Collins

August 17, 2019

In addition to your main location at 1001 S Lemay Ave, now you can also find your fresh Palisade peaches at our new location: 1800 E Lincoln Ave in Fort Collins. Hours at the new location are Monday-Friday 10am-6pm. Watch for a third location to be announced soon!

Palisade Peaches at Odell Brewing Co

August 12, 2019

Join us at Odell Brewing Co this Thursday & Sunday for beer & Palisade peaches on the patio! Thursday, 8/15 will be the release party for Odell's Palisade peach IPA & Sunday, 8/18 is Colorado Wellness Day, a day for local business and non-profits to promote wellness in Colorado. Both events will feature Palisade peaches, live music, food trucks, and giveaways!

Freestone Palisade Peaches Now Available in Fort Collins

August 03, 2019

Premium freestone Palisade peaches are now available at roadside stand locations in Fort Collins, CO. The freestone season starts off with the Redhaven and Cresthaven varieties. Conventional-grown, Transitional Organic, Certified Organic, and Organic Seconds are available now at our main Palisade peach stand at 1001 S Lemay Ave in Fort Collins.​​ The Palisade peaches are super sweet and delicious this year!

Freestone Palisade Peaches Arriving in Fort Collins This Weekend

July 31, 2019

Organic freestone Palisade peaches will be arriving in Fort Collins this Saturday, August 3, 2019! Bluebird Organic Fruit Co. is sending their first shipment of the season over the mountain directly to Fort Collins. The sweet, delicious cling-free Palisade peaches you've been waiting for all summer are finally here! Get yours while they last at Lemay & Elizabeth in Fort Collins this weekend.

Support FoCo Cafe with Palisade Peaches

July 25, 2019

Help us support FoCo Cafe with delicious Palisade peaches! Order your box of Certified Organic freestone Palisade peaches from Bluebird Organic Fruit Co. today! Proceeds benefit the FoCo Cafe. The first batch will arrive in Fort Collins first weekend of August, 2019!

Palisade Peach Delivery Now Available in Fort Collins

July 23, 2019

Announcing Palisade peach delivery in Fort Collins, CO! Now you can get your Palisade peaches delivered by NoCo Nosh! The Colorado Peach Company has partnered with NoCo Nosh as the exclusive delivery service for fresh Palisade peaches in Fort Collins. Order yours today at or with the NoCo Nosh app (apple | android).

Early Palisade Peaches Now Available in Fort Collns

July 19, 2019

Early Palisade peaches are now available at our main location, 1001 S Lemay Ave in Fort Collins (corner or Elizabeth & Lemay). The first variety is Garnet Beauty, a delicious semi-cling peach that ripens about ten days before its parent Redhaven. These are in high demand this year since freestone varieties are running behind! Be sure to get yours early! 

Early Palisade Peaches to Arrive Next Week

July 12, 2019

Early Palisade peaches are expected to arrive in Fort Collins next week. The first variety will be Garnet Beauty, a delicious semi-cling peach that ripens about ten days before its parent Redhaven. The arrival of Redhaven -around the first of August this year- will signal the beginning of freestone season. The Freestone peaches are about 10-12 days behind their usual harvest dates, due to cool & rainy weather this spring. This year's freestone Palisade peach season is expected to be short, but sweet!

Colorado Sweet Cherry Stands Now Open in Fort Collins

June 21, 2019

Roadside stands featuring fresh Colorado sweet cherries are now open in Fort Collins! Delicious sweet cherries direct from the orchard in Palisade. Colorado sweet cherries will be available for the next 3-4 weeks. You can get yours at the following locations...


Bath Garden Center and Nursery

2000 E Prospect Rd (map)

Fort Collins, CO 80525

Hours: Fridays & Saturdays 10am-6pm / Sundays 10am-5pm


Thirsty's Liquor

1001 S Lemay Ave (map)

Fort Collins, CO 80525

Hours: Monday-Sunday 11am-6pm

Organic Palisade Peaches: Reserve Your Box Today

June 12, 2019

Now taking reservations for boxes & half-boxes of organic Palisade peaches for August pickup in Fort Collins! The trees at Bluebird Organic Fruit Co. are only in their third year...that means there will be limited quantities of their organic Palisade peaches available this season. Be sure to get yours! Reserve your box today, and be the first to sample the premium organic fruit grown by this small family farm in Palisade!

Colorado Sweet Cherries Coming to Fort Collins

June 05, 2019

Hey Fort Collins, here's your next big summer announcement! Colorado Sweet Cherries direct from the orchard in Palisade, CO. This year's crop looks great & sweet cherries will be available at roadside stands in Fort Collins the week after Fathers Day. Locations to be announced soon!

Weekly Peach Updates

May 16, 2019

Have you ever wondered how your Palisade peaches are grown? This season, Annie from Bluebird Organic Fruit Co. will be documenting the process and sending us weekly updates from the orchard! Follow us on Facebook or Instagram and watch your organic Palisade peaches grow!

Organic Palisade Peaches Coming to Fort Collins

May 15, 2019

Last season, many of you asked for Organic Palisade peaches. This year we’re excited to announce a new partnership with Bluebird Organic Fruit Co. in Palisade, CO. They're a small USDA Transitional Organic family orchard owned by former Fort Collins residents Luke & Annie Gingerich. Along with the help of their three kids, they’ve been growing Palisade peaches organically going on three years now as part of the USDA Organic certification process (that means next year they can start using the green Organic logo!). Their delicious premium organic freestone Palisade peaches will be available at our roadside stands in Fort Collins starting this August!

Winter Season Comes to an End

April 06, 2019

The 2018 winter season has officially come to an end. We are sold-out of all jam, preserves and fruit butters until November, 2019. Thank you for another great year! Colorado's fresh fruit season is just around the corner... As the peach trees are blossoming in Palisade, we're busy preparing to bring Palisade peaches to roadside stands in Fort Collins again this year! Check this page, or follow us on social media for current updates...
@ColoradoPeachCompany Facebook
@ColoradoPeachCompany Instagram
@ColoradoPeachCo Twitter

Winter Season Winding Down

February 11, 2019

The winter season is starting to wind down. There are only four more Fort Collins Winter Farmers Market dates left this season. You can still get your jars of fresh seasonal Palisade peach jam at the upcoming markets. The remaining winter market dates are: February 23rd / March 9th & 23rd / April 6th. ***Please note, preserves & apple butter are sold-out for the season. Palisade peach jam is still available at the upcoming winter markets & online.

Winter Farmers Market in Full Swing

December 09, 2019

The holidays are fast approaching, and the Fort Collins Winter Farmers Market is in full swing! We've been busy in the kitchen, making fresh batches of Palisade peach jam, preserves & Colorado apple butter for the upcoming season. Our jams, preserves & fruit butters are made from 100% Colorado-grown fruit & all-natural ingredients. They make great gifts, and are perfect for stocking suffers! Find yours at the upcoming Fort Collins Winter Farmers Markets on Saturday, December 15th & 22nd from 9am-3pm inside the Opera Gallera, Downtown Fort Collins, CO.

Introducing New Colordo Apple Butter

November 03, 2018

Introducing new Colorado Apple Butter! This delicious apple butter is made from 100% organic Colorado-grown apples sourced from Ela Family Farms, a fourth generation certified Organic fruit grower in Hotchkiss, CO.


Our classic apple butter is made using a heirloom recipe that's been in use for over 100 years! We slow cook a special blend of apple varieties, pure cane sugar & spice for 18+ hours in small batches. Limited quantities are available this season, available at the Fort Collins Winter Farmers Market.

Palisade Peach Jam & Preserves Now Available

November 01, 2018

Our first batches of Palisade peach preserves & jam are ready for you to enjoy! Our jam & preserves are made from 100% Palisade peaches. For 2018, we've sourced our peaches from Black Bear Orchards, a second generation peach/cherry/wine grape farm in Palisade, CO that focuses on growing the highest quality peaches using sustainable farming practices.

It's Almost Time for Jam, Preserves & More

October 10, 2018

We've been in the kitchen making lots of Palisade peach jam, preserves, butter & more for the Fort Collins area winter markets. The 2018-2019 fall/winter season kicks off Saturday, November 3rd at the Fort Collins Winter Farmers Market! We'll be there with all your favorite Palisade peach treats from last year, plus some exciting new products to be announced soon...stay tuned!

Palisade Peach Season Comes to an End in Fort Collins

September 13, 2018

The 2018 Palisade peach season has officially ended in Fort Collins, CO. We are sold out of fresh peaches at all locations for the season. Jam, preserves, pie & more will be available online and at Fort Collins area winter markets starting November 3, 2018. Thanks for a great summer season Fort Collins, see you this winter!

Peach Season Winding Down in Fort Collins

September 10, 2018

The harvest of Angelus signals the end of Palisade peach season is near. We received our last peaches of the season from the orchard this weekend. We still have big, sweet freestone Palisade peaches available at Shields & Mulberry this week in Fort Collins (map). Our main location is open daily, fully-stocked with premium Palisade peaches until we sellout. We're currently estimating supplies will last until Wednesday, 9/12 or Thursday, 9/13. Once we reach the end of the season, we'll announce here and on social media.

Main Location Now Open at Shields & Mulberry in Fort Collins

July 29, 2018

Our main Palisade peach stand is now open 7-days per week at Shields & Mulberry in Fort Collins, CO (map). This location is fully-stocked with the highest quality premium Palisade peaches available. Open daily 11am-6pm until mid-September!

Palisade Peach Season Has Arrived in Fort Collins

July 28, 2018

The 2018 freestone Palisade peach season is here! You can buy Palisade peaches in Fort Collins now at the following stand locations:

  • Shields & Mulberry (map)

  • Panino's Italian Restaurant on Prospect Rd just west of College Ave (map)


Freestone Palisade Peaches Arrive in Fort Collins Next Week. First Peach Stand Location Announced

July 20, 2018

Redhaven freestone peaches from Palisade, Colorado will hit stands around Fort Collins next week. We're excited to announce our friends at Panino's Fort Collins will have fresh Palisade peaches available until the first week of September. More Fort Collins Palisade peach stand locations will be announced soon! 

Freestone Palisade Peaches Near Harvest, Fort Collins Stand Locations Coming Soon

July 14, 2018

We start off Palisade peach season in Fort Collins with Redhaven, the first of the freestone peaches. Redhave usually ripens in Colorado around the fourth week in July. We will be announcing stand locations very soon, followed by the estimated first harvest date! Follow us on social media, or signup to receive an alert when peaches hit the streets in Fort Collins.

Colorado Palisade Peach Season Less Than Two Months Away

June 11, 2018

The peaches out in Palisade are loving the early summer heat! They're growing big and sweet for the upcoming harvest in less than two months. For updates, watch this space, follow us on social media, or signup for alerts and be the first to know when & where to get Palisade peaches right here in Fort Collins!

Colorado Peach Trees In Bloom

April 17, 2018

The Colorado peach trees are in bloom. In won't be long now! Check back often or follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram for updates about where to buy Palisade peaches in Fort Collins, Colorado in 2018.

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The Colorado Peach Company

278 W Bridge St #241

Hotchkiss, CO 81419


Mon - Fri: 10am - 5pm MT​​

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The Colorado Peach Company is your source for all things Palisade Peach. Copyright © 2024 The Colorado Peach Blog. All rights reserved.

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